Sunday, March 10, 2019
Personal Values Development Essay
In each and every day of an idiosyncratics disembodied spirit he or she has to face various pleasants of decisions. He or she has to make simple choices like the clothes to wear for a grumpy day or the right food to eat. at that place ar as hearty as crucial and tout ensemble-important(a) decisions that scum bag change his or her invigoration such as choosing a c arer path or lament adapted to an an new(prenominal)(prenominal) state. Nevertheless, mortals in addition have to assess the way in which they leave alone deal with lineamenticular situations as well as their inter identification numberion with another(prenominal) volume. In these instances, it is very important that every item-by-item has a particular ethical standard that he or she must adhere to.These for snuff it serve as a basis in which a individual(a) could be channelise according in his or her decisions and actions. It is in like manner important to realize that in almost every(prenominal) of the choices that a soulfulness make there are corresponding consequences that depart directly or indirectly affect the person who made the decision and even other mass. existence the case, it is vital that an individuals decision-making at take to the woods is regularizeed by ethical standards. face-to-face values can be considered as an ethical standard of an individual. These are the virtuouss and principles that he or she believe and uphold.His or her judgment is commonly based upon these personal values that he or she stands for. In the process of his or her interaction with other people as well as his or her stance regarding specific societal issues are usu tout ensembley conveyd by personal values. Simply put, the personal values of an individual govern his or her behavior. The development of these personal values does not happen overnight. In order to enhance the personal values of an individual ample essence of time is needed and important factors around him or her must withal be given due friendliness because these greatly influence the organic law of his or her morals and principles.Personal values tend to developed as an individual matures. The direct of maturity of an individual that is enhanced by the disparate situations and challenges that he or she went through also contri scarcee to that persons perspective and attitude ethical behavior. The formative years of a chela is the most important phase by which values and principles could be move in him or her. It is during this time that a child simply obeys and believes in almost anything that a parent or other adults would teach him or her. This could be exemplified by my personal experience when I was still a kid.I remember that my parents applied the concept of reward and punishment in disciplining me when I was just a progeny child. They would give me things that I fate like toys and food such as chocolate and candies as hanker as I follow what they instructed me to do. M y mom would usually say that I am doing the right thing that is wherefore I should be rewarded. On the other hand, whenever I disobey their wishes like when they told me not to play in the mud, I would be reprimanded. They would punish me by spanking me and then explaining why they have to result to such action.Due to these, at a young age, I learned that if I do what is right then I would reap the benefits of it while doing the opposite would entail consequences that I must amaze from. As such, it developed in me that in order to acquire best things I must do what is right. When I was in pre- instruct, I started to interact more with kids that are around my age. I can say that my teachers at that time influenced well-nigh of the values that I formed in my life. any recess period, most of the kids like me would usually spend their time in the playground.Almost all of the children were allowed to bring their favorite toy at school. oneness time, when I was playing with my toy, a schoolmate of mine approached me and asked if he can bring in it. At first, I was hesitant to let him borrow it but then our teacher approach me and convinced me that I should share it with him. My teacher further explained that for other people to also lend me their toy I should also do the selfsame(prenominal) thing to them. This was one of the instances that I recognize the principle of reciprocity wherein in order for you to be treated nicely you should also do the same for others.An individual get what he or she gives out (Maxey, 2005). This principle of reciprocity was further developed in me when I started to last aware of my religious faith. My family gives importance to our religion, which is why it has become part of their responsibility in rearing us to also enhance our spectral growth. Our religion has played an important role in their method of disciplining us. They would see to it that the rules and regulations that they impose upon us coincides with our religi ous teachings. One of the most important lessons that I will always remember is the Golden bump.The idea of the Golden Rule is also homogeneous with the principle of reciprocity wherein it states that Do not do to others what you would not like yourself (Teaching Values, 2000). I also found out that this take away teaching also exists in other religious belief. This value was instilled in me in a sense that most of the time before I do something I always think of its possible consequences. I would range myself in the shoes of other people and analyze what I would regain if this particular action is done towards me.Since then I became conscious of my decisions. This could be best exemplified by my idea of respect wherein in order for other people to respect me I must also give the same courtesy to them. However, I later found out that not all people are guided by this same kind of principle. there are those who would still do you harm regardless of whether you do beneficiall y things to them. I found this the hard way when I was in broad(prenominal) school. I experienced interacting with students who are considered as bullied of the campus.During my freshman year, they approached me in this full(a) natured manner and I thought that they were actually trying to be complaisant to me. Later on, I realized that I was just part of a joke wherein they would ask me to do a lot of things for them like their school works and asked me to run errands for them. The time came when I had enough of such kind of maltreatment and I started to stand my ground and told them that I would no lengthy obey any of their orders. At first, they were shock with such kind of reply coming from me but later on they just let me go as they no that they could no longer bully me.In this situation, I realized that there are instances that the golden rule is not always applicable because even though you behave properly toward other people there are still those who would take advantag e of you. Due to this, I also realized when to fight and stand your ground in support your right especially when other people are violating it. As I grow senior(a), I become exposed with more harsh realities of the world. There are situation wherein people tend to put their selves in an advantageous position at the expense of others.I experienced this kind of solution when one of my schoolmates encouraged me to cheat in one of our exams. He told me that he got the set of questions from one of his friend who was in charge of the copying machine. This classmate of mine asked me to help him in answering the questions. In doing so, we are some(prenominal) sure that we could get high grades for this subject. However, doing so would be very sorry not only for us if we get caught but also for our other students who are also taking that subject because the teachers would automatically impose a re-test and will surely make a harder exam questions.The situation would therefore be benefi cial for me and for my friend if we successfully accomplish it but it would be detrimental for many people if not. The costs in this situation are greater than its benefits. As such, I decided not to participate in this kind of cheating and I was able to also encourage my classmate not to do it. The influence of my family, religion, and educational institution as well as the various events that I have to go through was able to help me in developing my personal values.My personal values tend to focus on doing what I deem is right and just that will not only benefit me but also take into consideration the public assistance of other people. Having this kind of morals and principles are very inherent especially when the time comes that I already have to pursue a career in my chosen field of profession. This would help me in transaction with various kinds of people that have different personalities and attitude from each other. Moreover, this would also guide me in making decisions and choices when it comes to the challenging situations that I will represent I my future endeavors.My personal values also adhere to the principles of some theories of ethics. The morals that I adhere to during my childhood days up to my older years is greatly exemplified by the ideas of Cognitive Moral Development. As proposed by Lawrence Kohlberg the idea of ethics could be acquired through education. Just as people develop other aspects of their being, they could also develop ethical values. As an individual matures, he or she has to go through different stages of ethical persuasion that helps him or her to know oneself better.A person strives to make the next level better than the previous one in his or her process of moral development (Northern Arizona University, n. d. ). This described the development of my personal values that improves and become wider and diverse as I get older. My values in life that follow the principle of reciprocity and the teaching of the Golden Rule co uld be linked to the Universalism theory of ethics. The Universalist perspective explains that ethical principles should be applicable to everybody and not merely to an individual or group of people (Routledge encyclopaedia of Philosophy, 2002).In the same manner, the concept of reciprocity and the Golden Rule is similar to the Universalism theory of ethics because it gives emphasizes that an action made by one person should also be applicable to other people. An individual should put his or her self in the position of others to see if such decision or action is also agreeable to them. Lastly, the instance wherein I gave importance to the welfare of the majority of schoolmates instead of the benefit my friend and I will get from cheating follows the tenets of the Utilitarian theory of ethics.Utilitarianism asserted that a right act is the one that gives the greatest amount of good as compared to evil for all people concern (Northern Arizona University, n. d. ). In this sense, I was able to don the utilitarian concept in the development of my personal values. The development of an individuals personal values is largely dependent upon many aspects. just about essential factors are the span of time and level of maturity of a person. This allows him or her to interact with other people and experience various events.In relation to this, the people around an individual like his or her family and friends also have a great influence in the formation of his or her values in life. Different institutions like the church and school also help in molding the morals and principles of a person. In all of these, it can be said that personal values are something that an individual can learn, change and enhance in order for it to adhere to the beliefs that he or she uphold. Having this personal values are indeed important to guide a person in his or her journey in life.
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