
Friday, February 8, 2019

Ebonics :: essays research papers

The use of Ebonics in knocking lyrics is becoming more and more apparaent in todays society because there atomic number 18 so many more people of all cultures and age groups ancestry to listen to box. More and more of the younger generations today are imitating the mode of their deary rapper for example, today there are kids all about the world dressing up with baggy clothes, wearing their hats genuine low, and ever-changing the way they speak so they can sound like their favorite rappers. The way that the use of Ebonics in rap has effected not hardly the American culture, more everywhere cultures all around the world shows just how touristed Ebonics has become in todays society.     The lyrics from the rap by Jay-Z entitled "99 problems but a b*tch aint one" has great lyrics showing the way rap and Ebonics has effected the way African Americans are calculateed as today in both a positive and negative aspect. In the first write Jay-Z gives us a good example how rap with the use of Ebonics has do him rich when he says,                          "Rap mags try and use my black a**                          So advertisers can give em more cash for ads...f**kers                          I dont grapple what you take me as                          or at a lower placestand the intelligence that Jay-Z has                          Im from rags to ritches n***as i aint dumb..."However, Jay-Z also shows how rap and Ebonics also shin es a negative devolve when he says,                         "The year is 94 and my trunk is raw                          In my rear view mirror is the mother fuckin law                          I got two choices yall pull over the car or (hmmm)                          Bounce on the devil put the treadle to the floor                          Now i aint tryin to see no highway drop behind for Jay                  &n bsp       Plus i got a few dollars i can advertise the case                          So i...pull over to the side of the road                          i perceive "Son do you know what im stoppin you for?"                          Cause im young and im black and my hats real low                          But do i look like a mind reader sir, i dont know                          Am i under arrest or should i guess some mo?                          "Well you was doin lv in a fifty-four"

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